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Foreknowledge and Free Will

 Foreknowledge and Free Will              1. Reflective Knowledge  God's knowledge of future actions is non-causal, God knowing X or that X will occur =/= God is causing X. William Lane Craig writes: “Suppose God knows that some  causally  free  event will  occur.  How  does  his  merely  knowing  about  it  constrain  it  to  occur? Imagine  the  numbered  points  in  figure 1  represent  events  in  history  and  the arrows  stand  for  causal  connections.  Event  6  is  causally  unconstrained;  it can  happen  or  not.  Now  suppose  the  broken  line  represents  God’s foreknowledge.  How  does  his  knowing  about  event  6  constrain  it?  Suppose we...
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Islam and LGBT Issues: Reading Material

Bismillāh ir-Raḥmān ir-Raḥīm Assalamu alaikum wa rahmtaullahi wa barakatuh,  As society further descends into the hotbed of moral decay that is Modernity, Muslims are forced to defend what would have been truisms just a century ago in order protect their faith. Unfortunately, our response to the LGBT movement so far has not been a very satisfying one. The current-day discourse is one of un-islamic extremes and unchecked assumptions that keep us from fully embracing our tradition, and I believe that we will not be able to make much progress if we do not scrutinize the assumptions and terms we bring to the table when discussing this issue. I doubt I will be able to do much to change this, but as someone who has a personal stake in this, I hope at least some will benefit from what I'm doing. I will also be updating this list with other things I find as time goes on.  This is a resource list on Islam and LGBT issues. I don't intend that anything here be authoritative, as I myself ...

On Luddites. What they are, how they function, why they're a cancer with the Islamic world as a case study (AKA An appeal to Islamic Luddites).

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  Humanity, by nature, is built to survive. There is no doubt that every one of us has habits that are shared with the primal, the wild, the savage, that trigger even in some mild situations where we simply 'sense' danger. With time, our urges and nature, coupled with aspirations and inclination towards better has made us innovate and even our odds of survival with societal and technological progress. Sounds great, right? Well, with any technological innovation comes radical innovation in society. The fiber which holds everything to do with statesmanship may be shaken up by one innovation, though you may reap the benefits after the complete adoption. Every time a technological breakthrough is made and radical innovations happen, the people must learn the ways of new and adapt it to the old for sake of optimality. Though historically the masses initially oppose it, their offspring carry on the process until it is something we cannot live without. Examples? ...

God and Metaethics

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  Topics: What is Moral Realism?  God and Morality Euthyphro Dilemma?  Atheism and Moral Realism  Why should we accept Moral Realism?  The Moral Argument Conclusions 1. What is Moral Realism?  The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines it as such:  " Moral realists are those who think that, in these respects, things should be taken at face value—moral claims do purport to report facts and are true if they get the facts right. Moreover, they hold, at least some moral claims actually are true."   There's disagreement between moral realists on the exact commitments of  Moral Realism  - that being said, the very basic commitments have been stated above. I will take Moral Realism to be the proposition that a domain of Moral Facts exists, mind-independently or stance-independently, Russ Shafer-Landau writes: " The way I would prefer to characterize the realist position is by reference to its endorsement of ...